press release only in german

Pushpamala N est née à Bangalore en Inde. Après des études de sculpture à la faculté des arts de Baroda, elle utilise depuis des années la photographie relevant de la performance et récemment la vidéo. Elle incorpore la culture populaire dans son travail et incarne dans ses photographies, de manière ironique, une variété de personnages facilement identifiables.

L'exposition présente deux séries photographiques, Sunhere Sapne et Native Woman of South India: Manners and customs, ainsi que deux installations vidéo : Indian Lady et Rashtriy Kheer and Desiy Salad.

Pushpamala N was born in Bangalore, India. After studuing sculpture at Baroda art school, she worked for many years in performance-based photography and more recently video. She incorporates popular culture into her work and poses ironically as a range of easily identifiable characters in her photographs.

This exhibition comprises the photographic series Sunhere Sapne, Native Woman of South India: Manners and customs, and the two video installations India Lady and Rashtriy Kheer and Desiy Salad.

only in german

Pushpamala N.