press release

to be engulfed drama objects absence flayed obscene adorable to write crying affirmation errantry gossip alteration embrace why anxiety exile ravishment annulment irksome regretted askesis fade-out encounter atopos faults reverberation waiting festivity waking to hide mad scene pigeonholed embarrassment alone catastrophe gradiva signs to circumscribe habiliment rememberance heart identification suicide fulfillment image thus compassion unknowable tenderness to understand induction suicide beahviour informer thus connivance unbearable tenderness contacts outcomes union contingencies jealousy truth body I-love-you will-to-possess declaration langour dedication letter demons loquela dependency magic expenditure monstrous disreality silence clouds night


A Lovers Discourse
Kurator: Dean Sameshima

mit Nobuyoshi Araki, Annette Kelm, Terence Koh, Sakiko Nomura, Heinz Peter Knes, Marcos Rosales