press release

BUZZ - Anna Ehrenstein, Will Fredo
27.04.2019, 14:00 - 18:00

Not all consumerism is the same - yet regardless of its geography and agents consumerism shapes the way people work, live, love and think. This duo-exhibition featuring works by Anna Ehrenstein and Will Fredo, explores the different ways in which the forces of the markets have an implication on how culture is lived and produced. Ehrenstein’s works deal with the embodied manifestation of cultural phenomena in the digital and analogue object. Consisting of lenticular prints and textile works “A Lotus is A Lotus” explores the western desire for consumption of difference, while the objects “4 Real” and “True Self” look at the intersection of authenticity, pseudo-luxury and power relations. In turn, Will Fredo’s “Enclosures” questions the meaning and influence of certain buzzwords prominent in global arts circles from the perspective of young men who live in Chinese metropolises. Based on mining various planetary phenomena through personal narratives, the video features intimate interviews interspersed with imagery of capitalist societies that liken the structural and technological with the behavioural.

Invited by Anna-Catharina Gebbers and Bernhard @Haysinger