press release

Ce dont on sera dans l'avenir capable, the first solo exhibition in a Parisian institution by the Swiss artists duo, accompanies the development of the project France, detours, initiated by Moser & Schwinger in 2009. The two artists "interrogate France" through stages to reflect on the question of "living together". The exhibition presents episode 1 completed in Toulouse in 2009 and serves as a basis for the creation of a stage of formulation around the simultaneous shooting of episode 2 in Pierrefitte, co-produced by Kadist Art Foundation and L'âge d'or. A performance will be filmed before the exhibition and several choreographic meetings are planned with five dancers performing different possible scenarii for objects, people and situations encountered in Pierrefitte. Other meetings with actors involved in the making ofFrance, détours will constitute a metaphorical tribune imagined by the artists for the exhibition.

only in german

Frederic Moser / Philippe Schwinger