press release

Open: Wednesday - Saturday 10am - 6pm or by appointment

A sum of some parts.

The whole conviction of my life now rests upon the belief that loneliness, far from being a rare and curious phenomenon, is the central and inevitable fact of human existence. Gods Lonely Man, Thomas Wolfe.

Rat Stance (noun). So there I was in the rat stance, I’d got to the jester’s shoes and she walked in on the vinegar stroke. Nothing could stop me by then. Viz presents Roger’s Profanisaurus Rex. 2005.

You gonna learn about loss. Max Cady, Cape Fear.

Knowledge doesn’t weigh anything. Survival Tactics, Ray Mears.

You can improve anything into a failure Steven Speilberg.

Crushing realisation. It is not as cheap as I thought. It’s like watching telly when you’re eating. From a conversation with Alan Kane, 2006.

What’s the difference between Vogue, Cosmopolitan and Woman’s Weekly? Vogue tells you what an orgasm is. Cosmopolitan tells you how to have an orgasm. Woman’s weekly tells you how to knit an orgasm. Joke overheard in the Cock Tavern, Hackney, Jan 2007.

The aerial on the TV kept falling down the back and disturbing the signal. I was too unhappy doing nothing, to want to change anything, so you did it for me.

from a notebook, Colin Lowe. 2005. P.S. There is now a real Satanist in the Royal Navy.

List of works in show.

Slough of Despond. Padded cell on wheels. 2006

We got to him before they could. Kids electric chair. 2007

Necrophilia for Ghosts. Y-shaped coffin. 2007

Laughing at the terror of your absence. Adult burnt chair. 2007

Pagan Beauty Pageant. Photograph in bed with Mum & Dad. 2007

I have used this only once and it nearly killed me Dad. Fuck sofa with Blow-job stool. 2007.

This painting helped me to fail. Copy of Francis Bacon painting with text. 1985/2007.

Don’t leave your kids in the hands of a failed Human Being. You wooden sculpture with rope lights and stick. 2007.

Lobotomy Letters. Letters to Patricia Hewitt on the subject of getting a Lobotomy on the NHS. 2006.

Letters from a Padded Brain Cell. Various Letters collated over last five years. 2002/2007.

Unwanted Abstract painting. Abstract painting chained to railings. 2007.

Letter to my parents from my Aunty Brenda. 2007. Rays weird drawings. 2007

Colin Lowe
Back From the Funny Farm