press release

In 2004 the European Union will be extended by ten nations. Various contemporary artists are balancing on the watershed: they unlock a mysterious forcefield on the border between the old and new Europe. By way of airports, subway tunnels and a railway station the public travels through recent history: from communist blocks of flats to the most modern architecture, in a glowing but unsettling twilight. Featuring paintings, photographs, audio-visual installations and sculptures by Pavel Braila, Freek Drent and Stella van Voorst van Beest, Maja Bajevic, Roderick Hietbrink, Juul Hondius, Carla Klein, Predrag Pajdic, Anri Sala.

only in german


Künstler: Pavel Braila, Freek Drent and Stella van Voorst van Beest, Maja Bajevic, Roderick Hietbrink, Juul Hondius, Carla Klein, Predrag Pajdic, Anri Sala