press release

SARIEV Contemporary is pleased to present the solo show People, Years, Life by the Plovdiv based young artist Dimitar Shopov. This is his first exhibition at SARIEV Contemporary. Until now the artist has participated in the group show Let Them Draw in 2016, curated by Pravdoliub Ivanov, as well as number of other initiatives of the gallery since 2011. People, Years, Life consists of Dimitar Shopov’s artworks produced between 2014 and 2017, that haven’t been presented in public before; the artist used a specific technique, which he named re-drawing. The exhibition follows the line of interest, characteristic for the style of Shopov, touching upon autobiographical themes, documentation, family history and the life course the artist has set for himself. The text, written by an anonymous critique, is an inseparable part of the People, Years, Life show along with the address by the artist that follows it.

Dimitar Shopov was born in 1980 in Kurdzhaly. He graduated in "Stage design" in 2007 at the National Academy of Arts in Sofia. He has worked in theaters such as Sofia Theater and Sfumato as a stage designer. He has had three solo exhibitions at the L'unioin de Paris Gallery in Plovdiv and has participated in a number of group shows in the country and abroad such as My Dear Provincialist, Swimming Pool, Sofia (2017), Let Them Draw, SARIEV Contemporary, Plovdiv (2016), All I Can Do is Art, Prague (2013), Gavazov and His Time, Sofia Contemporary Art - Near, Closer, Together, Sofia (2013). Part of his projects are Auction of avant-garde Bulgarian art, Gavazov and his school, originals, performances of Vera Mlechevska and Dimitar Shopov, part of the Night of Museums and Galleries, Plovdiv (2014), Gavazov, performances part of the Festival "Otets Paisiy Street - Text", Plovdiv (2012), Our Business, part of Night of museums and galleries, Nebet tepe, Plovdiv (2011), At the Djumaya, project of Night of Museums and Galleries, Plovdiv (2010). During the last 10 years, he has researched the life and work of the artist Gavazov and searched for artefacts related to him. In 2012 he also released a catalogue dedicated to the artist, which won him the literary prize "South Spring". Dimitar Shopov is the winner of the Young Artist Award BAZA for 2016.