press release

Exhibition by New-York-based artist Sara Cwynar.

Cwynar’s “Flat Death” series comprises manipulated found pop-culture imagery derived from how-to darkroom manuals (discarded printed matter for obsolete photographic processes marked with digital noise) and still-lifes constructed over stock imagery. The latter tonally rebuild the decontextualized pictures out of everyday debris, commenting on the inevitable obsolescence of objects, images and imaging technologies. By questioning the values of the image, Cwynar suggests how fashionable imagery shifts in meaning throughout time. Via vernacular trompe l’œil reworked to disrupt learned looking patterns, Cwynar affects the way the viewer typically views the every day (often without really seeing).

A native of Vancouver, Cwynar now lives and works in New York. Her artworks have been shown widely including at Foxy Production; Higher Pictures; ICI; the New York Book Fair with Printed Matter; the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Cooper Cole Gallery, Toronto; Foam Photography Museum, Amsterdam; Art Basel Miami; and the Royal College of Art, London.

Her works have been published by Printed Matter, Blonde Art Books, New York, and the Camera Club of New York. She has contributed to Martha Rosler’s Meta-Monumental Newspaper Museum of Modern Art, New York; “Living the Dream” – Surreal Artists Portfolio, Bullett magazine, New York; 
the Water Issue, Capricious magazine, New York; “Sara Cwynar,” Blink Photography magazine; “Sara Cwynar” Behind the Zines: Self Publishing Culture, Gestalten; “Artisan: Sara Cwynar” by Dorothy Rivers, Color magazine, “Sara Cwynar: 20 Under 30 New Visual Artists,” Print Magazine; “Looking for Cancon at Miami Art Basel?” Mclean’s Magazine, Canada; and “Talents To Be Seen,” Foam magazine, The Netherlands.

Opening Reception: March 21, 5 – 7:30 p.m.