press release

Floating Time 2003 - La Divina Commedia A group of selected international artists were invited to immerse themselves in Dante Alighieri's Divina Commedia and to draw inspiration from it to create one or more works of art. They were to pay particular attention to the role and significance that the Lethe river enjoys in Dante's celebrated poem. The chosen works of art were shown on the water and along the banks of the Groote Stroom.

only in german

Floating Time 2003 : Lethe, rivier der vergetelheid

Künstler: Philippe Bouttens, L.J.A.D. Creyghton, Sigurdur Gudmundsson, Winnifred Limburg, Remco Posthuma, Har van der Put, Guy Rombouts, Jean Ruiter, Ben Sleeuwenhoek, Dieuwke Spaans Johan Tahon, Diet Wiegman, Betty Woodman