press release

“As a water droplet belongs to the ocean, so does the moment belong to eternity. One takes a picture to contemplate and retain a fragment of time, an instant to return to.” The words are those of Georg Oddner. The writer Jacques Werup has put it like this: “Georg Oddner’s sensitivity for the decisive moment is so well developed that it almost gives him a sense of frustration that the camera – the technology – so seldom manages to keep up and perceive what the eye perceives. This disappointment paradoxically becomes something fruitful, a constant search, not for the decisive moments but for the eternal moments, those which are continually happening.” Georg Oddner is a photographer but he has been much more as well, including a jazz musician (according to Sten Broman “probably one of Europe’s best percussionists”) and a tennis player. Rhythm and coordination form a successful partnership: the ear listens when the hand has to move the drumstick on the drum; the eye finds the ball and the tennis racket hits cleanly in the right fraction of a second. A few years ago, the writer Ingemar Leckius wrote of Oddner that “on the whole there is something mysterious in the pictures of great photographers, works which have often been created intuitively, perhaps in a thousandth of a second, but whose composition is still the fruit of the experiences of an entire life.” Pressetext

only in german

Georg Oddner - IN TRANSIT