press release

Taking unpolished images from the public domain of magazines and the internet, Holger Kalberg's new paintings study the nature of shelter in the contemporary landscape. From site specific constructions of homes and personal dwelling spaces to exotic vacation destinations, Holger's paintings call to mind places and dwellings that seem familiar, immersed in our own memories.

Kalberg uses images that are often banal in nature, ambiguous. The pre-existing reality of the photograph is transformed through the medium of painting into a more subjective interpretation of that reality. In re-interpreting the impersonal, anonymous electronic images selected, the paintings show a reality that is familiar, images that are immersed in our own memories, able to activate an internal landscape for the viewer.

The resulting works show a landscape of isolation and alienation, places that are often relegated to the periphery, both physically and mentally. These places, depicted through the deliberate nature of the painterly approach that the artist uses, evoke a mysteriousness and stillness that heeds to be entered into, contemplated. The influence of the mediated or electronic image are reflected in the slippages, distortions and omissions in the paintings. The results are images that possess a sense of slowness and still quality that is contrary to the transitory source of the painting.


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New Paintings by Holger Kalberg