press release

‚Im Augenblick des Staunens fällt das Ich mit der Welt in eins’
05.10.2022 - 16.12.2022
Opening October 5, 2022, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m

In the moment of amazement, time seems frozen and the moment is perceived with immense intensity. We are amazed at everything that we are allowed to experience as an unexpected event, at what we can only recognize in existential borderline experiences. We marvel at the gift of life. The Berlin artist Fadi Aljabour (*1980 in Damascus) asks in the face of human history, which comes up with a list of wars and crimes, how humanity can react to this gift with cruelty. Aljabour, who was last seen at documenta 15 with his work 'Breathing Inside Your Guts', is one of the invited grants from the Cusanuswerk, which is awarded by a board of trustees made up of representatives from the German Society for Christian Art (DG), des Vereins Ausstellungshaus (VAH), the Cusanuswerk and the Catholic Academy in Bavaria were selected to take part in the exhibition.