press release

K.Acker : The Office is a work platform from, by and through the fictional universes of author Kathy Acker. American jewish writer, close from William Burroughs, she strongly influenced as much openly as in a more underground manner many artists and authors of her generation, and certainly many others much closer from us.
The exhibition Ruling ‘n’ Freaking, occurency of K.Acker : The Office, is conceived as a protocol of evocation intended to invoke different « voices » of Acker, building parallel realities around them. The artworks of the show catalyse the effective character of nowadays appropriation protocols operating in the field of contemporary art. They are the sensitive incarnations of the artist's interest for the forms of autofiction and fantasizing as vectors of a political reconfiguration of the real by its representations, and update Acker's problematics to nowadays concerns.

Exhibition with Gabriel Abrantes & Katie Widloski, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Ellen Cantor, Salma Cheddadi, Brice Dellsperger, Gloria Friedmann, Regina Jose Galindo, Monica Majoli, Bjorn Melhus, Lorraine O’Grady, Mika Rottenberg & Marylin Minter, Karine Rougier, Caroline Sury, and Jean Luc Verna 
And conferences and performances every thursday during the duration of the show by Fabienne Audéoud, Rosi Braidotti, Louise Briggs, Catherine Coringer, Dorothée Dupuis, Christophe Fiat, Géraldine Gourbe, Gabriela Jauregui, Anne Kawala, Elisabeth Lebovici, Sylvère Lotringer, Laurence Viallet and Matias Viegener

only in german


Galerie de la Friche La Belle de Mai, the tower, 2nd floor

Künstler: Gabriel Abrantes & Katie Widloski, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Ellen Cantor, Salma Cheddadi, Brice Dellsperger, Gloria Friedmann, Regina Jose Galindo, Monica Majoli, Bjørn Melhus, Lorraine O´Grady, Mika Rottenberg & Marylin Minter, Karine Rougier, Caroline Sury, Jean-Luc Verna ...