press release

The opening of the Swedish artist Matts Leiderstam's exhibition "Grand Tour". The title alludes to the educational journey to Italy which was obligatory for all 18th century European noblemen and artists. Leiderstam emphasises travel as a way of experiencing landscapes, culture, beauty and eroticism. He uses art history and copies or paraphrases paintings, as a way of exploring, fantasising about and scrutinising historical works. Paintings are shown together with their references, creating a tension field in time and space, between the viewer, the representation and the work.

Curator: David Neuman, director and assistant curators: Tessa Praun and Elisabeth Millqvist. For more information about the artist


Matts Leiderstam: Grand Tour
Kurator: David Neuman, Tessa Praun, Elisabeth Millqvist

19.02.05 - 05.06.05 Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, Stockholm
30.07.05 - 25.09.05 Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee
26.11.05 - 15.01.06 Goteborg Konsthall, Göteborg
10.03.06 - 21.05.06 Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz