press release

The Frissiras Museum presents the work of four renowned artists of the sixties generation in France: Erró , Jean-Jacques Lebel, Bernard Rancillac and Herve Telemaque. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Alternate Minister of Culture Mrs Fanni Palli-Petralia and His Excellency the Ambassador of France, Mr Bruno Delaye. Exhibition Curator: Mr Philippe Dagen, professor of the University of Sorbonne and art critic of the newspaper Le Monde.

The choice for such an exhibition involves artistic and intellectual reasons which are more or less obvious but there are also historic reasons: the above mentioned artists belong to the same generation, appeared in the French scene and elsewhere around the same era, during the end of the fifties and the beginning of the sixties. As the curator notes out in the bilingual exhibition catalogue: "Their work overturns habits and prejudices and from the beginning they were with the side of revolution, of social and political critique, in a western society that thought itself above all questioning, because of financial prosperity and technological progress".

Today at the beginning of a century that does not start with the most auspicious and encouraging way, these artists continue to experiment and to evolve without resting on the laurels of the image they have created in order to preserve their status and fame in the artistic scene. Erro continues the encyclopedic recording of representations and stereotypes created by the industry of images around the planet through television, cinema, cartoons, comics and advertising. Jean-Jacques Lebel having organized more than 70 happenings and performances in many continents, along with his poetic, political and artistic activities in cooperation with artists, cinematographers, or poets, insists on experimenting with the image and to dream a different art. In the exhibition nos femmes organized by the Frissiras Museum, the artist has created a new version of the installation Reliquaire pour un culte de Venus, which consists of hundred pictures and objects that change according to the spaces and the countries presenting it. Bernard Rancillac, narrator of everyday life, fantasies and myths, decodes the world through painting, photography, posters and comics. He is also preoccupied with depicting the image of woman and cinema stars, of sports and jazz music as well as with the burning issues of politics. Last but not least, Telemaque with the distinctive changing of media and the use of unexpected elements, presents works that from time to time appear as a personal or political chronicle and which remain coded. As a result of his Haitian descending in his work co-exist popular images of everyday life, colonial, american and european influences which make his art a crossroads of cultures.

The exhibition, which is hosted in 7 Monis Asteriou str building and is open to the public until the 30th of April, presents artworks having as a theme the woman and her many depictions, from the sixties to our days. Exhibition Curator: Philippe Dagen Organisation: Martha Chalikia

only in german

Kurator: Phillipe Dagen
Organisation: Martha Chalikia

Künstler: Erró , Jean-Jacques Lebel, Bernard Rancillac, Herve Telemaque