press release

OOOL / Sound Fictions evokes the idea of sound as a generator of fiction and stories. Luc Ferrari, Eddie Ladoire, Mathias Delplanque and Cédric Maridet share a form of sound writing on field recording. From this intricate collection of sounds, reworked through montage, they create a wide variety of works where fiction is never far away.

These snippets of reality, intrinsic to each of their pieces, and evocative of mental images, become a sort of story which spectators can construct themselves by listening. These stories waver between documentary forms and musical pieces. The border between real and imaginary is fragile, one makes up the material of the other.

Where do sounds come from? Are they recorded sounds? Natural sounds? These works echo one another, interacting and taking shape in the exhibition space like a large sound composition with many fragments, like punctuation, making up one story.