press release

"In 1839, a rage for tortoises overcame Paris. One can well imagine the elegant set mimicking the pace of this creature... (Walter Benjamin, 'On Some Motifs in Baudelaire')

In 2007, Plymouth Arts Centre's curatorial programme explores the idea of Slowness as a critical method and metaphor for contemporary art and curatorial practice. Slowness is evocative: from the reference to the slow movement; slow food in opposition to fast food; the tortoise as a parody of social progress or snail mail as opposed to e-mail. By slowing things down, critical reflection is made more possible in contrast to the speed of change represented by urban regeneration and wanton consumer capitalism.

This group exhibition reflects the current preoccupations with mass production in contemporary art and the perceived subversion of culture into mass entertainment.

Paying homage to conceptual art of the 1960s and 1970s, when performance art, the process of production and interaction with the viewer was taken to be more significant than the art object, Slow explores new movements and strategies within contemporary art. It offers collaborative and participatory models for creating artistic interventions and includes a series of installations, performances and events, featuring: 16 Beaver, Barbara Holub, the Centre of Attention, Ernst Logar, the Mahony, Jemima Burrill, Kate Rich, m-DAT, Richard Crow, Tim Knowles and William Powhida"

Paula Orrell, curator

Kurator: Paula Orrell

mit the centre of attention , 16 Beaver Group, Anna Best, Barbara Holub, Ernst Logar, The Mahony , Jemima Burrill, Kate Rich, m-DAT , Richard Crow, Tim Knowles, William Powhida