press release

You are kindly invited to attend the opening of the project City on Wheels by Tadej Pogacar, on Friday, Febrary 2 2007 at 8 p. m. at City Gallery in Nova Gorica, Slovenia.

One of the utopian ideas put forward by the historical avant-garde and the 1960s neo-avant-garde was the notion of a "traveling city" - a city that was not condemned to stasis. English architect Ron Herron's "walking city," from the late sixties, was based on mobile robotic structures that moved in accordance with their own intelligence and their need for basic resources. Several such "walking cities," then, could even link up to form a "walking metropolis" if they had to. Cities today do not need to travel: with the help of technology they can extend and strengthen their economic power in remote parts of the world. They are constantly emerging and dying. The true mobile manifestation of the city, however, is found in the street structures that are created there from below.

Tadej Pogacar & P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E.
City on Wheels
Coproduction partners: P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute and City Gallery Nova Gorica