press release

"Everything changes. Everything keeps going on forever. Everything is interacted with each other." Tatsuo Miyajima

"Tatsuo Miyajima is one of the most significant artists to have emerged during the tumultuous late 1980's, as part of an overall transformation within contemporary art from and expressionist paradigm to one more closely related to the conceptual orientation of the artwork. In purely historical terms, Miyajima's importance as a key figure is linked to the totality with which he embraced a very simple methodology, counting, to express his ideas about a profound and elusive subject, time...Far from fetishising the role of technology in daily life, [he] invites us to see through its illusions and to construct for ourselves a more sceptical attitude towards the ways in which time is experienced."

(Dan Cameron, The Place of Time, text for catalogue of Artsonje Museum in Seoul, Korea, 2002) Pressetext

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Tatsuo Miyajima