press release

Opening Reception: Saturday, September 29 2007 1 pm to 4 pm

The Four Horsemen / die RAND corporation responds to the dark sides of contemporary culture and politics depicting controversial power relationships, conspiracy or corruption, and examining surveillance strategies and control mechanisms. Recurrent concerns are the media and war as well as a critical analysis of surrounding structures.

The Four Horsemen represent the forces of man's destruction described in the Bible, Revelation chapter 6, 1-8: The departure of the white horseman announces the outbreak of war which is subsequently followed by 2. war 3. famine and 4. disease, ensued by immediate death. The RAND Corporation is a global policy think tank, formed to offer research and analysis to the United States armed forces.

The Four Horsemen / die RAND Corporation

mit Tjorg Douglas Beer, John Kleckner, Mark Lombardi, Olaf Metzel, Christopher Miner, Patrick Rieve, Kirstine Roepstorff, Martha Rosler, Malte Urbschat