press release

The union of all the arts was at the core of the Nabis' aesthetics. Vuillard and Bonnard, Maurice Denis and Vallotton thus largely contributed to the innovative experiments of the Théâtre de L'OEuvre during the years 1893-1900. This landmark of symbolism, under the direction of Aurélien Lugné-Poe, welcomed Maeterlinck, Ibsen and the eccentric Alfred Jarry's King Ubu. Other artists are evoked who, from Lautrec to Munch, associated their names with this renewal of the Parisian stage.


Theatre de l´OEuvre (1893-1900) - The Birth of Modern Theatre
Kurator Isabelle Cahn

mit Édouard Vuillard, Pierre Bonnard, Maurice Denis, Félix Vallotton, u.a.