press release

Toward the end of 2005, Moderna galerija received this precious bequest by the internationally renowned inventor and scientist Du‰an Prevor‰ek, PhD (1922–2004).

The posthumous donation consists of five gouaches by Zoran Music, painted between 1938 and 1944. The earliest work is the 1938 Korãula Motif, entitled also Home, which is, symbolically, where the works are returning, having been taken across the ocean by Prevor‰ek when he went to work for the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in Ohio in 1958. In the United States, Prevor‰ek pursued a very successful career, which in the 1990s included membership on the council of two universities and in the National Research Council. The other Mu‰iã’s early gouaches from Prevor‰ek’s collection are another motif from Korãula, a work from a series of images of the railroad station, a Ljubljana motif with a carousel on the banks of the Ljubljanica River, and the Ponte della Fava, painted in Venice in 1944, when the artist held his first exhibition of gouaches there. The show at the Piccola Galleria was well received also thanks to the introductory text in the catalogue written by the famous painter Filippo de Pisis.

The newly acquired works will be presented with the accompanying documentary material and with two documentary films about Zoran Mu‰iã; one from 1992, made by Nata‰a Prosenc, and the other from 1995, by JoÏe Hudeãek.

As both the artist, Zoran Mu‰iã, and the donor, Du‰an Prevor‰ek PhD, were correspondent members of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts, the President of the Academy, Bo‰tjan Îeks, PhD, will deliver the opening speech.


Zoran Music - Gouaches,1938-1944
New acquisitions in the collections of the Moderna galerija/Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana
Mala galerija – Moderna galerija, Ljubljana