press release

For its eighth season, artparis will be the first fair to take place in the Grand-Palais since reopening. This year will also by the second time artparis takes place in the Spring, a change of date which already brought on board a number of galleries of considerable in importance in 2005. For the 2006 season, the prestige of the Grand- Palais has improved the fair’s general status, especially with regard to the preceding season, by a participation which has increased by 50% of French and foreign galleries. The strong presence of foreign participants is affirmed by the fact that 30% of the galleries exposing hail from abroad. However, notwithstanding the total of 108 participating galleries, artparis will still maintain the air of conviviality that has always characterized it. This very Parisian fair, which has managed to cultivate a dedicated public over the years, has come to likewise establish itself as a formidable event in the European art market, while being, the first event of the calendar year in the French art scene!

More international Among the forty new galleries new to this year’s artparis, almost half of them come from abroad. Spain has made quite an entry with Colon XVI, Nieves Fernandez, Metta, Guillermo de Osma, Pelaires and Punto. Germany is equally well represented by Lumas, Georg Nothelfer, Sfeir-Semler, Tanit and Voelker + Freunde, with a total of 9 participants. Italy will bring two new participants Arte Contini and Alessandro Bagnai to make a total of 5 Italian galleries. Switzerland will also add two new galleries, Alice Pauli and Renée Ziegler for a total of 3 participants, just like New York with Sophie Scheidecker and Michel Soskine, to also make a total of 3 American galleries, without forgetting Ernst Hilger from Vienna, the Finnish gallery Forsblom, and the Belgian Maruani & Noirhomme.

A stronger-than-ever French presence Conserving its identity and spirit, the fair will present a preponderance of pictorial work dating from 1910 to contemporary art. Among the new participants, work, which one could qualify as “contemporary classics” will be able to be admired at the Galerie de France, Lelong, Daniel Templon, Patrice Trigano, Enrico Navarra, Jean Brolly and Dina Vierny. The most recent creations can be seen at Gilles Peyoulet, Pixi, Catherine Putman, La Réserve, Nathalie Seroussi, Sollertis, Daniel Varenne and Lara Vincy. The presence of photography will be no less strongly felt in the programming of Acte 2, Camera Obscura, Françoise Paviot, and Esther Woerdehoff.

Solo shows on the rise There will be at least a dozen solo shows: François Arnal, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Jacques Bosser, Alberto Burri, Robert Couturier, Jean Dubuffet, Piero Guccione, Bernard Moninot, François Morellet, Ernest Pignon-Ernest, Gérard Schlosser, Fabienne Verdier…

A sculpture gallery A shared exhibition space, which will provide galleries with an added opportunity to increase the exposure of well established artists: Arman, Daniel Buren, César, Robert Couturier, Anthony Donaldson, Dubuffet, Max Ernst, Philippe et Quentin Garel, Claude Gilli, Raymond Hains, Keith Haring, Hiquily, Daniel Hourdé, Allen Jones, Christian Lapie, Charles Matton, David Nash, Philippe Ramette, Jean-Pierre Raynaud, Niki de Saint Phalle, Richard Texier, Ernest Trova, Etienne Viard, Jan Voss and François Weil.

Exhibitors Galerie Acte 2 (Paris), Galerie Arnoux (Paris), Galeria d'Arte Contini (Venise), Galleria Alessandro Bagnai (Florence), Galerie Baudoin Lebon (Paris), Galerie Albert Benamou (Paris), Galerie Claude Bernard (Paris), Galerie Berthet-Aittouarès (Paris), Atelier Bordas (Paris), Jacques Boulan Editeur (Vigneux sur Seine), Galerie Carole Brimaud (Paris), Galerie Jean Brolly (Paris), Galerie Michèle Broutta (Paris), Paul Bourquin Editions (Besançon), Editions Bucciali (Colmar), Galerie Denise Cadé (New York), Galerie Camera Obscura (Paris), Galerie Louis Carré & Cie (Paris), Galerie du Centre (Paris), Haim Chanin Fine Arts (New York), Galeria Colon XVI (Bilbao), Galerie Darga & Lansberg (Paris), Galerie Lauraine Diggins (Australie), Die Galerie (Frankfort), Galerie Di Meo (Paris), Galerie Raymond Dreyfus (Paris), Galerie Bernard Dudoignon (Paris), Galerie Jean-Jacques Dutko (Paris), Galeria Nieves Fernandez (Madrid), Galleria Forni (Bologne), Galerie Forsblom (Helsinki), Galerie de France (Paris), Galerie Pascal Gabert (Paris), Galerie 1900-2000 (Paris), Galerie Gana Beaubourg (Paris), Galerie Claire Gastaud (Clermont-Ferrand), Galerie Arlette Gimaray (Paris), Galleri GKM (Malmö), Galerie Thessa Herold (Paris), Galerie Ernst Hilger (Vienne), Galerie Marwan Hoss (Paris), Galerie Catherine Issert (Paris), Galerie Jeanne-Bucher (Paris), Galerie Samy Kinge (Paris), Galerie Koralewski (Paris), Galerie Lahumière (Paris), Galerie Larock-Granoff (Paris), Galerie Lasés (Paris), Galerie Lelong (Paris, New York, Zürich), Galerie Thomas Levy (Hambourg), Galerie Lumas (Berlin), Galerie Martin du Louvre (Paris), Galerie Maruani & Noirhomme (Knokke), Galeria Metta (Madrid), Galerie Marion Meyer (Paris), Galeria Minotauro (Caracas), Galerie Lélia Mordoch (Paris), Galleria Morone (Milan), Galerie Enrico Navarra (Paris), Galerie Georg Nothelfer (Berlin), Galerie Obsis (Gennevilliers), Galerie Oniris (Rennes), Galerie L'Or du Temps (Paris), Galeria Guillermo de Osma (Madrid), Galerie Frank Pagès (Baden-Baden), Galerie Alice Pauli (Lausanne), Galerie Françoise Paviot (Paris), Galerie Pasnic (Paris), Galeria Pelaires (Palma de Majorque), Galerie Gilles Peyroulet & Cie (Paris), Galerie Guy Pieters (Knokke), Galerie Pixi (Paris), Galerie Pascal Polar (Bruxelles), Galerie Protée (Paris), Galeria Punto (Valence-Espagne), Galerie Catherine Putman (Paris), Galerie Raphael 12 (Frankfort), Galerie Rachlin Lemarié Beaubourg (Paris), Galerie La Réserve (Paris), Galerie Jean-Pierre Ritsch-Fisch (Strasbourg), Galerie Rive Gauche (Paris), Galleria San Carlo (Milan), Galerie Sapone (Nice), Sophie Scheideker Fine Art (New York), Galerie Nathalie Seroussi (Paris), Galerie Sfeir- Semler (Hambourg), Galerie Sollertis (Toulouse), Galerie Michel Soskine (New York), Galerie Laurent Strouk (Paris), Galerie Tanit (Munich), Galerie Daniel Templon (Paris), Galerie Tendances (Paris), Thinking Prints (Bruxelles), Galleria Toninelli (Monaco), Galerie Patrice Trigano (Paris), Galerie Hélène Trintignan (Montpellier), Galerie Le Troisième OEil, (Paris), Galerie Daniel Varenne (Paris), Galerie Vieille du Temple (Paris), Galerie Dina Vierny (Paris), Galerie Lara Vincy (Paris), Galerie Volcker & Freunde (Berlin), Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann (Paris), Galerie Esther Woerdehoff (Paris), Galerie Les Yeux Fertiles (Paris), Galerie Sonia Zannettacci (Genève), Galerie Ziegler (Zürich), Galerie Zlotowski (Paris).

Sculpture Gallery A Shared space, which will provide galleries with an added opportunity to increase the exposure of well established artists. Arman Galerie Trigano and Guy Pieters Daniel Buren Galerie Jean Brolly César Galerie Laurent Strouk and Guy Pieters Robert Couturier Galerie Dina Verny Anthony Donaldson Galerie du Centre Dubuffet Galerie Jeanne Bucher Max Ernst Die Galerie Philippe Garel Galleria Forni Quentin Garel Galleria Forni Claude Gilli Galerie du Centre Raymond Hains Galerie Lara Vincy Keith Haring Galerie Enrico Navarra Hiquily Galerie Laurent Strouk Daniel Hourdé Galerie Larock Granoff Allen Jones Galerie Levy Christian Lapie Galerie Alice Pauli Charles Matton Galerie Benamou David Nash Galerie Lelong Philippe Ramette Société Générale private collection Jean-Pierre Raynaud Galerie 1900-2000 Niki de Saint Phalle Galerie Guy Pieters Richard Texier Galerie Thessa Herold Ernest Trova Galerie du Centre Etienne Viard Galerie Berthet-Aittouarès Jan Voss Galerie Georg Nothelfer François Weil Galerie Lucie Weil Seligmann


artparis 06
The Fist artfair in the Grand-Palais
Place Grand-Palais / Champs-Elysées,
Avenue Winston Churchill, 75008 Paris

Solo shows:
Francois Arnal, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Jacques Bosser, Alberto Burri, Robert Couturier, Jean Dubuffet, Piero Guccione, Bernard Moninot, François Morellet, Ernest Pignon-Ernest, Gérard Schlosser, Fabienne Verdier…

sculpture gallery:
Arman , Daniel Buren, César , Robert Couturier, Anthony Donaldson, Jean Dubuffet, Max Ernst, Philippe & Quentin Garel, Claude Gilli, Raymond Hains, Keith Haring, Philippe Hiquily, Daniel Hourde, Allen Jones, Christian Lapie, Charles Matton, David Nash, Philippe Ramette, Jean Pierre Raynaud, Niki de Saint Phalle, Richard Texier, Ernest Trova, Etienne Viard, Jan Voss, Francois Weil