press release

The exhibition will present works in various media by a variety of artists that embrace a child-like sensibility. These artists, gaining inspiration from childhood, incorporate compositional elements which are evocative of the creative freedom and wonderment of younger years. The result is a work that is both nostalgic and refreshing, embodying an abandonment of adulthood for the endless play of Peter Pan.

"The artist, like the child, is passive. The artist remains a child who is no longer innocent yet cannot liberate himself from the unconscious. The acting out of his terror is self-involved and pleasurable. Some artists act all their lives instead of thinking." -Louise Bourgeois

only in german

I Won't Grow Up
Kuratoren: Beth Rudin DeWoody, Donald Baechler

Künstler: Donald Baechler, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Brian Belott, Louise Bourgeois, Jared Buckheister, Brendan Cass, E.V. Day, Phillip Estlund, Mark Fox, Beka Goedde, Gary Hume, Chantal Joffe, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Jonathan Hammer, Mike Kelley, Misaki Kawai, Jeff Koons, Tim Liddy, McDermott & McGough, Ryan McGinley, Paul Morrison, Takashi Murakami, Yoshitomo Nara, Djordje Ozbolt, Kembra Pfahler, George Stoll, Angela Strassheim, Andy Warhol, Rob Wynne